

Welcome to my site!

Every day I wake up, and like most people knock, out my daily check list. I hit the sleep button on my alarm, shower, brush my teeth and finally pick out my outfit for the day.

My name is Terren Carter, I am a current sophomore at Texas State University! I want to bring my reading audience’ focus back up to my very first sentence and take a closer look at my daily morning checklist. I repeat with strong importance, “Finally I pick out my outfit for the day”.  Fashion is hands down my favorite way to express myself, and my objective for this post is to change the way you feel about your own personal style and the way society views fashion. I hope we all learn something on this journey of fashion, but most importantly I would love to show those without a voice how loud you can speak without saying one word!

Originally from Dallas, Texas I began my love for fashion at a young age. I still remember walking into Hot Topic at the Frisco mall, and the feeling of joy I felt in my soul. For you who know absolutely nothing about this store I can sum up everything you need to know. First, we have a major pop-culture influence followed by the entire store being covered in all black.

After only being in Hot Topic for about one moment something quickly grabbed my attention. It was a wall covered from top to bottom in all black ripped jeans. At the time I was young and did not have my own personal income. My mother who has always been supportive of my fashion style would not let me have the jeans because who the heck would buy their child jeans that looked as if someone took a knife and destroyed the jeans?


Although I did not leave the mall with those Rock-star, black jeans, it forever left an impression on my life. Instead of buying a brand-new pair of jeans with holes, I went home that night and made my own personal custom jeans with a dinner knife. This moment of creating something new out of nothing made me know how much more of an individual I had become.

Why go out shopping when you can make something new and awesome on your own with little to no cost at all. Throughout this blog you will see content, and step by step directions on how to change your old clothes into something new, yet personal and meaningful for you. My target audience will be anywhere from age twelve to thirty, but of course all are welcomed to ride the wave. Now take a step back and let’s ride the wave of what I call “Distressed Coordinated Apparel,” or D.C.A. for short. Follow the status of my blog via Facebook and Twitter.